Teaching from Home with Zoom - Faculty Portal.

Teaching from Home with Zoom - Faculty Portal.

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- Share handwritten content in Zoom when teaching from home 

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Launch a Zoom meeting with yourself as the only participant, click Record to the Cloud , and give your lecture. Since you can share your screen, remember that you can show YouTube videos or anything viewable on your computer. You are not limited to PowerPoint only.

You will want to mindful of what files or photos you display on your desktop if it will be visible. Click the Share button next to a recording to see the options for sharing that recording. You can copy the Meeting Recording link from the grey box or click Copy to Clipboard. If you record a class meeting, and students stick around after class to ask questions, stop the recording before answering the questions … and consider using breakout rooms.

As with face-to-face classes, your students will stick around after your Zoom class meetings end to ask you questions. Some of these questions can be deeply personal.

You do NOT want to record those. Stop the recording before you take any questions. Also, if there are a lot of students hanging out after class and one of the students needs to talk to you about something private, offer to put that student in a private breakout room and talk to him or her there.

To use it, just click the File button at the bottom of the Chat window. Students will see a notice that a file has been made available and will be given the option to download it. The largest file you can upload is MB. We already talked about polling and breakout rooms in some detail above, but there are many more to consider.

Some settings you may want to consider changing are:. Zoom is arguably one of the best web conferencing platforms available.

But it was designed more for live, one-off meetings than for recurring classes or lectures. For example,. Finally, Zoom regularly adds new features. Keep Teaching. Jump To Set Expectations in Advance Camera Requirements : Let students know in advance if there are portions of class sessions in which they will be expected to activate their web cameras: throughout the entire session, when you are not sharing your screen, when they are in breakout rooms, during the first or last 5 minutes of the session, etc.

Video Off: Plan to offer alternatives for students who may not be in a position to use their cameras in some or all class sessions. Encourage students to contact you in advance if they face unanticipated challenges in attending class Zoom sessions when they are expected to activate their web cams.

Profile Pictures: Ask students to upload a photograph to their Zoom profile that will appear when their camera is off. This may be an opportunity for students to share something about themselves if they choose such as pictures with pets, participating in hobbies, etc. Nonverbal Feedback: Enable the Zoom setting for nonverbal feedback and reactions and create in-session activities which encourage their use Regardless of whether students have their cameras on, this is an excellent way for them to participate en masse and show engagement without interrupting the flow of the session.

Remind your students about the importance of being mindful when their web cameras are on, particularly about what is happening behind them i. Communicate in advance what students should, and should not, use the Chat box for during class sessions.

You may also want to assign a designated student moderator to help you keep up with chat activity. Consider disabling the private chat feature unless you want your students to be able to send one-to-one messages to other students.

Practice First If you have not used Zoom yet to teach before, take some time to practice and familiarize yourself with the interface. Familiarize Students with the Interface Chances are most of your students have used video chat software like Facetime, Google Duo, WhatsApp Hangouts, and whatever Microsoft is calling Skype these days to communicate with friends and loved ones.

In particular: Remind your students to download and install the Zoom app on their devices well in advance of the first class meeting. This is especially true temporarily with schools affected by COVID, but it may be a lot more permanent depending on how social distancing guidelines progress. Some schools have decided to teach online class for the rest of , into This begs the question: how do I use Zoom meetings and video conferencing to teach my class?

We have a few helpful tips for teachers and students. Screen sharing is really important for presenting to your class. This button allows you to share your computer screen with everyone on the Zoom meeting. You can always find your recordings at zoom. Do you have your own Zoom tips for teachers? She has 13 years of classroom teaching experience and a master's degree in curriculum and instruction. Kimmie was the Puget Sound Teacher of the Year. Fourteen years later, I find myself returning to this teacher for advice with my own fourth graders.

Log in to Reply. You must be logged in to post a comment. Get started Begin by downloading Zoom Client and installing it on your device. Get teaching Once you feel comfortable, you can schedule your first meeting.

Up your game Got that under control? You can select one of the pre-loaded backgrounds or upload your own. We even have our own teacher backgrounds! Not a problem. Under that same caret next to Start Video, select Video Settings. Whiteboard: Math teachers, rejoice! This awesome feature allows you to share a whiteboard that you and your students can annotate on. To get it, share your screen and click Whiteboard.


Easy Guide on how to use ZOOM on your SMART Board for In-Class and Remote Learning


Online teaching is becoming the new normal for many schools. This is especially true temporarily with schools affected by COVID, but it may be a lot more permanent depending on how social distancing guidelines progress. Some schools have decided to teach online class for the rest of , into This begs the question: how do I use Zoom meetings and video conferencing to teach my class? We have a few helpful tips for teachers and students. Screen sharing is really important for presenting to your class.

This button allows you to share your computer screen with everyone on the Zoom meeting. Rev now offers Zoom live captioning, which means all of your Zoom meetings will have live captions added to the bottom of the screen.

Breakout Rooms let you you to split your meeting into multiple sessions, similar to group breakout sessions in a live classroom setting. Students can have their own small groups, which will promote more participation. Read about Zoom Breakout Rooms here. Zoom Whiteboards are another feature that seems tailor made for teachers.

We combine A. Wanna hear more about it? Get our most popular posts, product updates, and exciting giveaway announcements directly to your inbox! All resources. Try Zoom Live Captioning for Free. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. School District or University. Other Resources.



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